Health and Safety

12TBS Ltd are committed to discharging their obligations under the current Health and Safety Legislation, and all other relevant statutory legislation. We will seek to provide a healthy and safe working environment for our Employees and will endeavour to ensure the health and safety of all others who could be affected by activities under their control.

To achieve a high standard of health and safety the active co-operation of all Employees is essential. Employees are reminded of their own duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, to take care of their own safety and that of other persons and to co-operate with their Employer so as to enable them to carry out their responsibilities successfully.

We work to a detailed Health and Safety Policy and practices which are approved by CHAS for all types of M&E installations. Every member of our team is trained in Health and Safety essentials and fully aware of their responsibilities and industry best practice approaches to the work they carry out.

11We are committed to providing a safe working environment for all of our employees, employees of other companies engaged in work on any of our sites, and any member of the public that may come in contact with our operations. Most of our projects are operated under Construction Design Management (CDM) regulations and we are committed to discharging these duties to the best of our ability using all the resources of the Company and our Health and Safety specialists to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all.

Policy graphic

Click the icon above to read our Health and Safety Policy.